Warning! The script has encountered some errors when parsing the replay. Please report them to the . » details
0x3F, prev: 0x60: 60 3F B2 00 00 [3F] B2 00 00 20 61 77 65 73 6F 6D 65 20 20 00 04 0D 00 62 A6 B0 00 00 A6 B0 00 00 18 00 00 00 08 1A 00 16 01 01 00 2A A5 00 00 2A A5 00 00 1A 19 53 30 30 6E 2A A5 00 00 2A A5 00 00
0x00, prev: 0x3F: 60 3F B2 00 00 3F B2 [00] 00 20 61 77 65 73 6F 6D 65 20 20 00 04 0D 00 62 A6 B0 00 00 A6 B0 00 00 18 00 00 00 08 1A 00 16 01 01 00 2A A5 00 00 2A A5 00 00 1A 19 53 30 30 6E 2A A5 00 00 2A A5 00 00
0x20, prev: 0x00: 60 3F B2 00 00 3F B2 00 00 [20] 61 77 65 73 6F 6D 65 20 20 00 04 0D 00 62 A6 B0 00 00 A6 B0 00 00 18 00 00 00 08 1A 00 16 01 01 00 2A A5 00 00 2A A5 00 00 1A 19 53 30 30 6E 2A A5 00 00 2A A5 00 00
0x77, prev: 0x20: 60 3F B2 00 00 3F B2 00 00 20 61 [77] 65 73 6F 6D 65 20 20 00 04 0D 00 62 A6 B0 00 00 A6 B0 00 00 18 00 00 00 08 1A 00 16 01 01 00 2A A5 00 00 2A A5 00 00 1A 19 53 30 30 6E 2A A5 00 00 2A A5 00 00
0x73, prev: 0x77: 60 3F B2 00 00 3F B2 00 00 20 61 77 65 [73] 6F 6D 65 20 20 00 04 0D 00 62 A6 B0 00 00 A6 B0 00 00 18 00 00 00 08 1A 00 16 01 01 00 2A A5 00 00 2A A5 00 00 1A 19 53 30 30 6E 2A A5 00 00 2A A5 00 00
0x6D, prev: 0x73: 60 3F B2 00 00 3F B2 00 00 20 61 77 65 73 6F [6D] 65 20 20 00 04 0D 00 62 A6 B0 00 00 A6 B0 00 00 18 00 00 00 08 1A 00 16 01 01 00 2A A5 00 00 2A A5 00 00 1A 19 53 30 30 6E 2A A5 00 00 2A A5 00 00
0x20, prev: 0x6D: 60 57 B0 00 00 57 B0 00 00 6E 6F 77 20 66 65 65 6C 20 6D 79 [20] 77 72 61 74 68 00 08 0D 00 62 73 B2 00 00 73 B2 00 00 13 00 00 00 05 01 00 67 01 0D 00 62 73 B2 00 00 73 B2 00 00 13 00 00 00
0x00, prev: 0x20: 60 3F B2 00 00 3F B2 00 00 20 61 77 65 73 6F 6D 65 20 20 [00] 04 0D 00 62 A6 B0 00 00 A6 B0 00 00 18 00 00 00 08 1A 00 16 01 01 00 2A A5 00 00 2A A5 00 00 1A 19 53 30 30 6E 2A A5 00 00 2A A5 00 00
I028: Unknown ItemID
I00S: Unknown ItemID
I006: Unknown ItemID
I02E: Unknown ItemID
I012: Unknown ItemID
I02D: Unknown ItemID
0x64, prev: 0x60: 60 64 B0 00 00 [64] B0 00 00 68 61 68 61 00
0x00, prev: 0x64: 60 64 B0 00 00 64 B0 [00] 00 68 61 68 61 00
0x4F, prev: 0x60: 60 4F B0 00 00 [4F] B0 00 00 64 69 65 00 04 0D 00 62 A6 B0 00 00 A6 B0 00 00 38 00 00 00
0x00, prev: 0x4F: 60 4F B0 00 00 4F B0 [00] 00 64 69 65 00 04 0D 00 62 A6 B0 00 00 A6 B0 00 00 38 00 00 00
0x64, prev: 0x00: 60 4F B0 00 00 4F B0 00 00 [64] 69 65 00 04 0D 00 62 A6 B0 00 00 A6 B0 00 00 38 00 00 00
0x00, prev: 0x65: 60 EA AE 00 00 EA AE 00 00 6F 66 20 63 6F 75 72 73 65 [00]
0x44, prev: 0x00: 60 4F B0 00 00 4F B0 00 00 [44] 49 45 00 06 0D 00 62 38 A7 00 00 CC B3 00 00 09 00 00 00 03 17 00 11 04 00 75 6F 68 68 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 00 98 45 00 00 6C C5 05 0D 00 62 38 A7 00 00 CC B3 00 00 09 00 00 00 08 0D 00 62 38 A7 00 00 CC B3 00 00 09 00 00 00 0B 0D 00 62 38 A7 00 00 CC B3 00 00 09 00 00 00 0B 1F 00 12 00 00 03 00 0D 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FC 71 3B C5 85 24 A6 45 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 04 01 00 67 04 0D 00 62 38 A7 00 00 CC B3 00 00 09 00 00 00
0x45, prev: 0x44: 60 4F B0 00 00 4F B0 00 00 44 49 [45] 00 06 0D 00 62 38 A7 00 00 CC B3 00 00 09 00 00 00 03 17 00 11 04 00 75 6F 68 68 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 00 98 45 00 00 6C C5 05 0D 00 62 38 A7 00 00 CC B3 00 00 09 00 00 00 08 0D 00 62 38 A7 00 00 CC B3 00 00 09 00 00 00 0B 0D 00 62 38 A7 00 00 CC B3 00 00 09 00 00 00 0B 1F 00 12 00 00 03 00 0D 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FC 71 3B C5 85 24 A6 45 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 04 01 00 67 04 0D 00 62 38 A7 00 00 CC B3 00 00 09 00 00 00
e00G: Unknown ItemID
0x46, prev: 0x60: 60 46 B0 00 00 [46] B0 00 00 74 68 69 73 20 6F 6E 65 20 69 73 20 6D 69 6E 65 00
0x00, prev: 0x46: 60 46 B0 00 00 46 B0 [00] 00 74 68 69 73 20 6F 6E 65 20 69 73 20 6D 69 6E 65 00
0x74, prev: 0x00: 60 46 B0 00 00 46 B0 00 00 [74] 68 69 73 20 6F 6E 65 20 69 73 20 6D 69 6E 65 00
I02I: Unknown ItemID
A043: Unknown ItemID
A042: Unknown ItemID
R01U: Unknown ItemID
R01Q: Unknown ItemID
I01I: Unknown ItemID
R01S: Unknown ItemID
o00G: Unknown ItemID
0x20, prev: 0x75: 60 50 B0 00 00 50 B0 00 00 79 6F 75 72 [20] 73 6F 75 6C 20 69 73 20 6D 69 6E 65 00
0x6F, prev: 0x20: 60 EA AE 00 00 EA AE 00 00 6F 66 20 63 [6F] 75 72 73 65 00
0x6C, prev: 0x6F: 60 50 B0 00 00 50 B0 00 00 79 6F 75 72 20 73 6F 75 [6C] 20 69 73 20 6D 69 6E 65 00
0x86, prev: 0x60: 60 86 AE 00 00 [86] AE 00 00 62 65 67 6F 6E 65 00
0x00, prev: 0x86: 60 86 AE 00 00 86 AE [00] 00 62 65 67 6F 6E 65 00
0xC8, prev: 0x60: 60 C8 AE 00 00 [C8] AE 00 00 6C 6F 6C 6F 6C 00
0x00, prev: 0xC8: 60 C8 AE 00 00 C8 AE [00] 00 6C 6F 6C 6F 6C 00
0x6C, prev: 0x00: 60 C8 AE 00 00 C8 AE 00 00 [6C] 6F 6C 6F 6C 00
0x6C, prev: 0x6C: 60 C8 AE 00 00 C8 AE 00 00 6C 6F 6C 6F [6C] 00
0x57, prev: 0x60: 60 57 B0 00 00 [57] B0 00 00 6E 6F 77 20 66 65 65 6C 20 6D 79 20 77 72 61 74 68 00 08 0D 00 62 73 B2 00 00 73 B2 00 00 13 00 00 00 05 01 00 67 01 0D 00 62 73 B2 00 00 73 B2 00 00 13 00 00 00
0x00, prev: 0x57: 60 57 B0 00 00 57 B0 [00] 00 6E 6F 77 20 66 65 65 6C 20 6D 79 20 77 72 61 74 68 00 08 0D 00 62 73 B2 00 00 73 B2 00 00 13 00 00 00 05 01 00 67 01 0D 00 62 73 B2 00 00 73 B2 00 00 13 00 00 00
0x6E, prev: 0x00: 60 57 B0 00 00 57 B0 00 00 [6E] 6F 77 20 66 65 65 6C 20 6D 79 20 77 72 61 74 68 00 08 0D 00 62 73 B2 00 00 73 B2 00 00 13 00 00 00 05 01 00 67 01 0D 00 62 73 B2 00 00 73 B2 00 00 13 00 00 00
0x77, prev: 0x6E: 60 57 B0 00 00 57 B0 00 00 6E 6F [77] 20 66 65 65 6C 20 6D 79 20 77 72 61 74 68 00 08 0D 00 62 73 B2 00 00 73 B2 00 00 13 00 00 00 05 01 00 67 01 0D 00 62 73 B2 00 00 73 B2 00 00 13 00 00 00
0x6C, prev: 0x65: 60 57 B0 00 00 57 B0 00 00 6E 6F 77 20 66 65 65 [6C] 20 6D 79 20 77 72 61 74 68 00 08 0D 00 62 73 B2 00 00 73 B2 00 00 13 00 00 00 05 01 00 67 01 0D 00 62 73 B2 00 00 73 B2 00 00 13 00 00 00
0x6D, prev: 0x6C: 60 57 B0 00 00 57 B0 00 00 6E 6F 77 20 66 65 65 6C 20 [6D] 79 20 77 72 61 74 68 00 08 0D 00 62 73 B2 00 00 73 B2 00 00 13 00 00 00 05 01 00 67 01 0D 00 62 73 B2 00 00 73 B2 00 00 13 00 00 00
0x72, prev: 0x20: 60 57 B0 00 00 57 B0 00 00 6E 6F 77 20 66 65 65 6C 20 6D 79 20 77 [72] 61 74 68 00 08 0D 00 62 73 B2 00 00 73 B2 00 00 13 00 00 00 05 01 00 67 01 0D 00 62 73 B2 00 00 73 B2 00 00 13 00 00 00
0x74, prev: 0x72: 60 57 B0 00 00 57 B0 00 00 6E 6F 77 20 66 65 65 6C 20 6D 79 20 77 72 61 [74] 68 00 08 0D 00 62 73 B2 00 00 73 B2 00 00 13 00 00 00 05 01 00 67 01 0D 00 62 73 B2 00 00 73 B2 00 00 13 00 00 00
0x00, prev: 0x74: 60 57 B0 00 00 57 B0 00 00 6E 6F 77 20 66 65 65 6C 20 6D 79 20 77 72 61 74 68 [00] 08 0D 00 62 73 B2 00 00 73 B2 00 00 13 00 00 00 05 01 00 67 01 0D 00 62 73 B2 00 00 73 B2 00 00 13 00 00 00
R00F: Unknown ItemID
0xC6, prev: 0x60: 60 C6 AE 00 00 [C6] AE 00 00 62 65 67 6F 6E 65 00
0x00, prev: 0xC6: 60 C6 AE 00 00 C6 AE [00] 00 62 65 67 6F 6E 65 00
R00H: Unknown ItemID
R02A: Unknown ItemID
R008: Unknown ItemID
I00Q: Unknown ItemID
R00K: Unknown ItemID
R017: Unknown ItemID
I01N: Unknown ItemID
R01Z: Unknown ItemID
o000: Unknown ItemID
R00M: Unknown ItemID
0xA9, prev: 0x60: 60 A9 AE 00 00 [A9] AE 00 00 68 75 68 00
0x00, prev: 0xA9: 60 A9 AE 00 00 A9 AE [00] 00 68 75 68 00
o00H: Unknown ItemID
A03S: Unknown ItemID
A046: Unknown ItemID
A04A: Unknown ItemID
0xED, prev: 0x60: 60 ED AF 00 00 [ED] AF 00 00 69 20 6D 75 73 74 20 66 65 65 64 00 07 0D 00 62 5E BE 00 00 43 25 01 00 21 00 00 00 03 0D 00 62 5E BE 00 00 43 25 01 00 21 00 00 00 05 0D 00 62 5E BE 00 00 43 25 01 00 21 00 00 00 04 17 00 11 04 00 48 30 30 68 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 00 C8 45 00 00 A0 C5
0x00, prev: 0xED: 60 ED AF 00 00 ED AF [00] 00 69 20 6D 75 73 74 20 66 65 65 64 00 07 0D 00 62 5E BE 00 00 43 25 01 00 21 00 00 00 03 0D 00 62 5E BE 00 00 43 25 01 00 21 00 00 00 05 0D 00 62 5E BE 00 00 43 25 01 00 21 00 00 00 04 17 00 11 04 00 48 30 30 68 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 00 C8 45 00 00 A0 C5
o001: Unknown ItemID
R00L: Unknown ItemID
o009: Unknown ItemID
o00A: Unknown ItemID
R01O: Unknown ItemID
0xE9, prev: 0x60: 60 E9 AE 00 00 [E9] AE 00 00 72 69 67 68 74 00
0x00, prev: 0xE9: 60 E9 AE 00 00 E9 AE [00] 00 72 69 67 68 74 00
0x72, prev: 0x00: 60 E9 AE 00 00 E9 AE 00 00 [72] 69 67 68 74 00
0xEA, prev: 0x60: 60 EA AE 00 00 [EA] AE 00 00 6F 66 20 63 6F 75 72 73 65 00
0x00, prev: 0xEA: 60 EA AE 00 00 EA AE [00] 00 6F 66 20 63 6F 75 72 73 65 00
0x6F, prev: 0x00: 60 EA AE 00 00 EA AE 00 00 [6F] 66 20 63 6F 75 72 73 65 00
0x20, prev: 0x6F: 60 EA AE 00 00 EA AE 00 00 6F 66 [20] 63 6F 75 72 73 65 00
0x72, prev: 0x6F: 60 EA AE 00 00 EA AE 00 00 6F 66 20 63 6F 75 [72] 73 65 00
I00E: Unknown ItemID
I017: Unknown ItemID
I008: Unknown ItemID
A047: Unknown ItemID
A045: Unknown ItemID
0xFC, prev: 0x60: 60 FC AD 00 00 [FC] AD 00 00 77 68 65 72 65 00
0x00, prev: 0xFC: 60 FC AD 00 00 FC AD [00] 00 77 68 65 72 65 00
0x77, prev: 0x00: 60 FC AD 00 00 FC AD 00 00 [77] 68 65 72 65 00
0x72, prev: 0x65: 60 FC AD 00 00 FC AD 00 00 77 68 65 [72] 65 00
0x00, prev: 0x72: 60 FC AD 00 00 FC AD 00 00 77 68 65 72 65 [00]
I016: Unknown ItemID
o004: Unknown ItemID
R005: Unknown ItemID
R01T: Unknown ItemID
R003: Unknown ItemID
A05D: Unknown ItemID
I00I: Unknown ItemID
Aamk: Unknown ItemID
R01R: Unknown ItemID
General information
- name: ISLAND D no satyrs!
- type: Ladder 1vs1/FFA
- host: BEAR_AND
- saver: BEAR_AND
map: aps\Download\IslandDefense2.8.3c
- players: 10
- length: 42:42
- speed: Fast
- version: 1.21 W3XP
- replay type:

» download(210 KB)
team 1 (winner)
red | 39 APM | 1656 actions | 42:42)
1 Blood Mage
1 Siphon Mana
1 Mountain King
1 Avatar
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 4 | |
Basic commands | 62 | |
Build / train | 113 | |
Enter build submenu | 50 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 4 | |
Remove unit from queue | 5 | |
Right click | 607 | |
Select / deselect | 486 | |
Select group hotkey | 105 | |
Use ability | 220 | |
1656 total
Iz_A_Ninja (
blue | 26 APM | 479 actions | 18:25)
1 Blood Mage
1 Siphon Mana
» actions
Basic commands | 17 | |
Build / train | 36 | |
Enter build submenu | 8 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 1 | |
Right click | 192 | |
Select / deselect | 191 | |
Use ability | 31 | |
479 total
SoTriX (
teal | 26 APM | 1130 actions | 42:40)
1 Warden
1 Blink
1 Blood Mage
1 Siphon Mana
» actions
Basic commands | 43 | |
Build / train | 85 | |
Enter build submenu | 290 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 3 | |
Give item / drop item | 1 | |
Remove unit from queue | 1 | |
Right click | 220 | |
Select / deselect | 208 | |
Use ability | 278 | |
1130 total
» units
» upgrades
» buildings
Farm | 27 | |
Orc Burrow | 51 | |
Watch Tower | 34 | |
112 total
» build order
00:50 Farm
00:52 Farm
00:58 Orc Burrow
01:01 Orc Burrow
01:05 Orc Burrow
01:18 Orc Burrow
01:31 Orc Burrow
01:35 Orc Burrow
01:40 Orc Burrow
07:00 Orc Burrow
07:03 Orc Burrow
07:04 Orc Burrow
07:07 Orc Burrow
07:10 Orc Burrow
07:12 Orc Burrow
07:27 Watch Tower
07:32 Watch Tower
07:44 Watch Tower
07:46 Watch Tower
07:50 Watch Tower
07:54 Watch Tower
07:58 Watch Tower
08:01 Watch Tower
08:03 Watch Tower
08:05 Watch Tower
08:08 Watch Tower
08:19 Watch Tower
08:21 Watch Tower
08:23 Watch Tower
08:26 Watch Tower
08:28 Watch Tower
08:31 Watch Tower
08:33 Watch Tower
08:36 Watch Tower
08:40 Watch Tower
08:47 Watch Tower
08:49 Watch Tower
08:51 Watch Tower
08:55 Watch Tower
08:57 Watch Tower
09:00 Watch Tower
09:15 Watch Tower
09:17 Watch Tower
09:41 Watch Tower
09:45 Watch Tower
09:47 Watch Tower
09:49 Watch Tower
09:59 Watch Tower
10:02 Watch Tower
14:18 Farm
27:19 Farm
29:04 Orc Burrow
29:06 Orc Burrow
29:08 Orc Burrow
29:11 Orc Burrow
29:38 Orc Burrow
29:46 Orc Burrow
29:48 Orc Burrow
29:51 Orc Burrow
29:58 Orc Burrow
30:02 Orc Burrow
30:04 Orc Burrow
30:20 Orc Burrow
30:25 Orc Burrow
30:34 Orc Burrow
30:37 Orc Burrow
30:44 Orc Burrow
30:48 Orc Burrow
30:56 Orc Burrow
30:58 Orc Burrow
31:01 Orc Burrow
31:04 Orc Burrow
31:48 Orc Burrow
31:59 Orc Burrow
32:07 Orc Burrow
32:09 Orc Burrow
32:17 Orc Burrow
32:23 Orc Burrow
32:35 Orc Burrow
32:45 Orc Burrow
32:51 Orc Burrow
33:11 Orc Burrow
33:51 Farm
33:53 Farm
33:55 Farm
33:58 Farm
34:08 Farm
34:14 Farm
34:19 Farm
34:21 Farm
34:22 Farm
34:35 Farm
34:39 Farm
34:46 Farm
35:26 Farm
35:28 Farm
35:33 Farm
35:35 Farm
38:03 Farm
38:33 Farm
38:38 Farm
38:58 Farm
39:06 Orc Burrow
41:58 Orc Burrow
42:00 Orc Burrow
42:03 Orc Burrow
42:07 Farm
42:09 Farm
42:11 Farm
42:13 Orc Burrow
42:16 Orc Burrow
42:19 Orc Burrow
razarz (
purple | 31 APM | 1027 actions | 33:04)
1 Warden
1 Blink
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 3 | |
Basic commands | 17 | |
Build / train | 45 | |
Enter build submenu | 105 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 2 | |
Right click | 232 | |
Select / deselect | 359 | |
Select group hotkey | 182 | |
Use ability | 78 | |
1027 total
» buildings
» build order
00:59 Orc Burrow
01:10 Orc Burrow
01:13 Orc Burrow
02:03 Orc Burrow
03:31 Orc Burrow
16:28 Orc Burrow
16:31 Orc Burrow
16:34 Orc Burrow
16:37 Orc Burrow
16:39 Orc Burrow
16:41 Orc Burrow
16:44 Orc Burrow
16:47 Orc Burrow
32:04 Orc Burrow
I)ragonLord (
yellow | 38 APM | 1160 actions | 30:37)
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 3 | |
Basic commands | 49 | |
Build / train | 98 | |
Enter build submenu | 91 | |
Give item / drop item | 1 | |
Remove unit from queue | 16 | |
Right click | 452 | |
Select / deselect | 181 | |
Use ability | 269 | |
1160 total
» units
» upgrades
» buildings
Farm | 18 | |
Orc Burrow | 24 | |
Watch Tower | 24 | |
66 total
» build order
00:43 Farm
00:45 Orc Burrow
01:02 Farm
01:07 Orc Burrow
01:10 Orc Burrow
01:22 Orc Burrow
01:27 Orc Burrow
01:31 Orc Burrow
01:36 Farm
03:11 Orc Burrow
03:13 Orc Burrow
03:14 Orc Burrow
03:14 Orc Burrow
03:18 Farm
03:21 Orc Burrow
03:22 Orc Burrow
16:02 Farm
16:03 Farm
16:18 Farm
16:24 Orc Burrow
16:25 Orc Burrow
16:25 Orc Burrow
16:26 Orc Burrow
16:27 Orc Burrow
16:28 Orc Burrow
19:54 Farm
27:04 Farm
27:05 Farm
27:05 Farm
27:06 Farm
27:07 Farm
27:31 Farm
27:32 Farm
27:33 Farm
27:37 Farm
27:52 Farm
28:45 Orc Burrow
28:45 Orc Burrow
28:46 Orc Burrow
28:48 Orc Burrow
28:49 Orc Burrow
28:49 Orc Burrow
29:20 Watch Tower
29:20 Watch Tower
29:21 Watch Tower
29:21 Watch Tower
29:22 Watch Tower
29:22 Watch Tower
29:23 Watch Tower
29:23 Watch Tower
29:24 Watch Tower
29:25 Watch Tower
29:25 Watch Tower
29:26 Watch Tower
29:27 Watch Tower
29:27 Watch Tower
29:28 Watch Tower
29:28 Watch Tower
29:29 Watch Tower
29:29 Watch Tower
29:30 Watch Tower
29:31 Watch Tower
29:32 Watch Tower
29:32 Watch Tower
29:33 Watch Tower
29:33 Watch Tower
peace2all (
green | 35 APM | 1425 actions | 40:52)
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 7 | |
Basic commands | 62 | |
Build / train | 22 | |
ESC pressed | 5 | |
Enter build submenu | 53 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 3 | |
Give item / drop item | 7 | |
Right click | 1016 | |
Select / deselect | 75 | |
Select group hotkey | 26 | |
Use ability | 149 | |
1425 total
MetalReamped (
pink | 62 APM | 822 actions | 13:10)
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 472 | |
Basic commands | 9 | |
Build / train | 10 | |
Enter build submenu | 28 | |
Right click | 196 | |
Select / deselect | 26 | |
Select group hotkey | 38 | |
Use ability | 43 | |
822 total
lucane (
gray | 32 APM | 1340 actions | 41:36)
1 Warden
1 Blink
» actions
Basic commands | 3 | |
Build / train | 57 | |
Enter build submenu | 113 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 2 | |
Right click | 689 | |
Select / deselect | 358 | |
Use ability | 111 | |
1340 total
» buildings
Orc Burrow | 25 | |
Hunter's Hall | 1 | |
26 total
» build order
02:15 Orc Burrow
02:40 Orc Burrow
03:50 Orc Burrow
07:21 Orc Burrow
07:26 Orc Burrow
07:56 Hunter's Hall
09:48 Orc Burrow
09:51 Orc Burrow
09:54 Orc Burrow
10:01 Orc Burrow
10:05 Orc Burrow
10:12 Orc Burrow
10:17 Orc Burrow
10:21 Orc Burrow
10:24 Orc Burrow
22:55 Orc Burrow
24:28 Orc Burrow
24:32 Orc Burrow
24:36 Orc Burrow
24:39 Orc Burrow
24:44 Orc Burrow
24:48 Orc Burrow
27:16 Orc Burrow
27:20 Orc Burrow
27:23 Orc Burrow
27:30 Orc Burrow
megalolipop (
light-blue | 27 APM | 383 actions | 14:24)
1 Blood Mage
1 Siphon Mana
» actions
Basic commands | 3 | |
Build / train | 16 | |
Enter build submenu | 44 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 1 | |
Give item / drop item | 1 | |
Right click | 214 | |
Select / deselect | 62 | |
Use ability | 42 | |
383 total
team 2 (loser)
CrAZYMaN123 (
brown | 24 APM | 1015 actions | 42:40)
» actions
Basic commands | 3 | |
Build / train | 23 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 18 | |
Right click | 745 | |
Select / deselect | 167 | |
Use ability | 55 | |
1015 total
Chat log
(00:18 / Allies) BEAR_AND: pick satyr, get kicked
(00:18 / Allies) megalolipop: awesome
(00:23 / Allies) megalolipop: aha
(00:27 / All) CrAZYMaN123: Meh,,,
(00:35 / Allies) peace2all: awwww
(00:35 / All) CrAZYMaN123: haha
(00:36 / Allies) peace2all: no mag
(00:36 / All) CrAZYMaN123: die
(00:39 / All) CrAZYMaN123: die
(00:40 / All) CrAZYMaN123: die
(00:41 / All) CrAZYMaN123: die
(00:41 / All) CrAZYMaN123: die
(00:47 / All) CrAZYMaN123: DIE!
(00:49 / All) CrAZYMaN123: DIE
(00:54 / All) CrAZYMaN123: die
(00:58 / All) CrAZYMaN123: die
(01:03 / Allies) megalolipop: red we build
(01:06 / Allies) BEAR_AND: no
(01:07 / Allies) BEAR_AND: get out
(01:20 / All) CrAZYMaN123: this on is mine
(01:32 / All) CrAZYMaN123: this one is mine
(02:54 / Allies) peace2all: b
(02:54 / Allies) peace2all: b
(04:10 / Allies) megalolipop: what the heck red?
(04:16 / Allies) BEAR_AND: ?
(05:00 / Allies) MetalReamped: great we got a camping noob
(05:06 / Allies) I)ragonLord: no
(05:10 / Allies) I)ragonLord: he need a minion
(05:49 / All) MetalReamped: go find a base and stop camping the gold
(05:56 / All) CrAZYMaN123: stop
(05:57 / All) I)ragonLord: lol
(06:11 / All) CrAZYMaN123: your soul is mine
(06:14 / Allies) MetalReamped: begone
(06:16 / All) I)ragonLord: hes just greeddy
(06:17 / Allies) megalolipop: lolol
(06:33 / All) CrAZYMaN123: now feel my wrath
(06:39 / Allies) megalolipop: lolol
(06:42 / Allies) megalolipop: begone
(06:44 / All) CrAZYMaN123: cross over
(07:07 / All) CrAZYMaN123: ty for feed :)
(08:11 / All) CrAZYMaN123: STOP
(08:34 / All) I)ragonLord: your choice
(08:38 / Allies) lucane: how many workers should i get
(08:49 / All) I)ragonLord: get feed and we get gold, or stay mid and try to get a minion
(09:03 / All) I)ragonLord: btw, here is an easy way
(09:06 / All) I)ragonLord: get wow
(09:19 / All) I)ragonLord: *wand of wind*
(10:28 / Allies) megalolipop: 6000 wood lol
(10:33 / Allies) razarz: lol
(10:55 / Allies) MetalReamped: red can u kill my demon gate plz?
(11:13 / Allies) MetalReamped: thnk u
(11:15 / All) I)ragonLord: no me, im pro sry
(11:16 / Allies) peace2all: heheheh
(11:23 / Allies) peace2all: lolol
(11:24 / Allies) I)ragonLord: ww
(11:29 / Allies) megalolipop: begone
(11:30 / Allies) peace2all: ww
(11:31 / Allies) peace2all: ww
(11:32 / Allies) peace2all: ww
(11:32 / Allies) peace2all: ww
(11:33 / Allies) megalolipop: begone
(11:36 / All) CrAZYMaN123: im free from my gold
(11:42 / All) I)ragonLord: bla bla bla
(11:43 / All) MetalReamped: sure u are
(11:45 / All) I)ragonLord: xD
(11:46 / All) BEAR_AND: wb
(11:46 / All) CrAZYMaN123: ...
(11:47 / All) Iz_A_Ninja: lol sure u are
(11:51 / All) CrAZYMaN123: fuck u bitches
(12:21 / All) I)ragonLord: oh
(12:21 / Allies) peace2all: wow
(12:22 / All) I)ragonLord: :(
(12:23 / Allies) peace2all: :(
(12:46 / Allies) SoTriX: feed
(12:48 / Allies) SoTriX: lol
(12:51 / All) CrAZYMaN123: stop
(12:52 / Allies) lucane: huh
(12:54 / All) CrAZYMaN123: Make base soewhere else
(13:00 / All) peace2all: ... i did already
(13:04 / All) CrAZYMaN123: STFU U
(13:11 / Allies) lucane: what u want me to do
(13:14 / All) BEAR_AND: ok bye
(13:18 / All) CrAZYMaN123: stfu
(13:21 / All) BEAR_AND: ty for free win
(13:26 / All) lucane: host...
(13:30 / All) CrAZYMaN123: abn u actulley
(13:35 / All) CrAZYMaN123: ban
(13:38 / All) BEAR_AND: hahahahhahahahhaha
(13:38 / Allies) peace2all: slow but progress none the less
(13:41 / Allies) peace2all: 13 gold bitches :)
(13:49 / Allies) I)ragonLord: 17 xD
(13:54 / Allies) peace2all: fuck u
(13:59 / Allies) lucane: how u getting gold
(14:00 / Allies) I)ragonLord: -_-'
(14:00 / Allies) megalolipop: camper
(14:08 / Allies) peace2all: getting it 1 gold at a time duh
(14:28 / All) SoTriX: come attack my base yo
(14:33 / All) CrAZYMaN123: no...
(14:42 / All) SoTriX: ite faggle
(14:47 / All) SoTriX: let it get stronger
(15:17 / Allies) peace2all: ww
(15:17 / Allies) peace2all: ww
(15:23 / Allies) I)ragonLord: nice base btw teal, :P already did it
(15:25 / All) razarz: lol
(15:25 / All) peace2all: awwwww
(15:26 / All) CrAZYMaN123: FUCK U
(15:27 / Allies) SoTriX: ty
(15:28 / All) peace2all: i'm the noob :'(
(15:42 / All) CrAZYMaN123: gaurd the gold
(15:43 / All) CrAZYMaN123: NOW
(15:44 / Allies) I)ragonLord: but u know whats wrong?
(15:47 / All) CrAZYMaN123: or ill kill u
(15:47 / Allies) SoTriX: ?
(15:52 / Allies) I)ragonLord: hes moltenius
(15:57 / Allies) SoTriX: yea
(16:03 / Allies) SoTriX: magma
(16:10 / All) CrAZYMaN123: if they ever ever try to get gold thats bad
(16:12 / Allies) I)ragonLord: proof is hard to make and SO slow
(16:14 / Allies) lucane: i must feed
(16:55 / All) CrAZYMaN123: red = dead
(17:04 / All) I)ragonLord: LOL
(17:05 / Allies) Iz_A_Ninja: move hunter red
(17:06 / All) BEAR_AND: :)
(17:12 / All) CrAZYMaN123: i no where u are
(17:19 / All) I)ragonLord: well... its bad walling
(17:57 / All) CrAZYMaN123: ty for money red
(18:05 / All) BEAR_AND: np enjoy your 3 walls
(18:18 / Allies) Iz_A_Ninja: fk g2g
(18:22 / All) CrAZYMaN123: wow fuck u
(18:23 / Allies) I)ragonLord: kk chow
(18:49 / All) CrAZYMaN123: lol
(18:51 / All) CrAZYMaN123: green
(18:55 / All) I)ragonLord: get down left for a great feed
(18:55 / All) CrAZYMaN123: kill titan hunter!
(19:04 / All) CrAZYMaN123: omg
(19:19 / All) peace2all: i'm protecting gold
(19:29 / All) CrAZYMaN123: haha
(19:31 / All) peace2all: now u got some feed
(20:11 / All) CrAZYMaN123: green u dont need ur mnion
(20:13 / All) CrAZYMaN123: haha
(20:16 / All) CrAZYMaN123: for a sec
(20:20 / All) peace2all: okay
(20:26 / All) CrAZYMaN123: good moves..
(20:32 / All) CrAZYMaN123: here ya go
(20:49 / All) CrAZYMaN123: rpotect gold!
(21:03 / All) I)ragonLord: no one is golding... its all baser.......
(21:54 / All) CrAZYMaN123: green just go hunt ppl down dont gaurd gold i iwll take care of that
(22:02 / Allies) SoTriX: lol
(22:07 / Allies) I)ragonLord: lol yeah
(22:08 / Allies) razarz: a
(22:11 / All) BEAR_AND: right
(22:12 / All) BEAR_AND: of course
(22:15 / All) CrAZYMaN123: hey guys get some gold!
(22:22 / All) BEAR_AND: come on a my house
(22:28 / All) I)ragonLord: bla bla bla ^^ :P
(23:01 / All) SoTriX: u suck
(23:02 / All) CrAZYMaN123: im srry if u dont get gold :P
(23:23 / All) I)ragonLord: get gray titan
(23:25 / All) BEAR_AND: big noob titan
(24:38 / Allies) SoTriX: ty
(24:41 / Allies) I)ragonLord: np
(24:48 / All) BEAR_AND: noob titan
(24:50 / Allies) SoTriX: c i figured out the way to beat mag
(24:51 / All) BEAR_AND: what are you even doing
(24:56 / All) CrAZYMaN123: GREEN MOVE
(24:57 / Allies) I)ragonLord: lol
(25:00 / Allies) SoTriX: u make a spot in ur base thats 2x2
(25:07 / Allies) I)ragonLord: yeah
(25:08 / Allies) SoTriX: where u WANT him to spawn
(25:13 / Allies) I)ragonLord: so its not 1by1
(25:24 / Allies) I)ragonLord: and he dont have a choice to spawn there
(26:03 / All) BEAR_AND: getting owned....?
(26:16 / All) lucane: lol
(26:17 / All) razarz: getting owned by fruit trees is embarrasing
(26:19 / All) lucane: weaksauce
(26:25 / All) CrAZYMaN123: there not fruit trees
(26:30 / All) CrAZYMaN123: idiots
(26:37 / All) razarz: your an idiot there are..
(26:39 / Allies) I)ragonLord: leavea 2b2 there?
(26:42 / Allies) SoTriX: um
(26:49 / Allies) SoTriX: yea
(26:56 / All) lucane: mostly fruit tree
(27:07 / All) lucane: why build better defenses when they so much cheaper and unlimiteD?
(27:20 / All) razarz: and can own a noob like you
(27:21 / All) CrAZYMaN123: now i can own
(27:23 / Allies) BEAR_AND: because they're feed
(27:25 / All) CrAZYMaN123: wit a path
(28:02 / Allies) razarz: tele out
(28:08 / All) peace2all: OMFG
(28:09 / All) BEAR_AND: good work
(28:12 / All) CrAZYMaN123: haha
(28:18 / All) CrAZYMaN123: grey gaurd mid
(28:32 / All) CrAZYMaN123: fuk u grey
(28:45 / All) CrAZYMaN123: u were mean
(28:49 / All) CrAZYMaN123: so i get to control u
(28:54 / All) CrAZYMaN123: green is nice :)
(28:58 / All) lucane: ok sure
(29:03 / All) lucane: whatever
(29:07 / All) CrAZYMaN123: LEAVE BITCH
(29:12 / All) lucane: all i said is it was mostly fruit trees
(29:15 / All) lucane: learn to read
(29:25 / All) CrAZYMaN123: and u said i suck
(29:31 / All) razarz: you do..
(29:36 / All) lucane: read chat
(29:41 / All) lucane: i not once said that
(29:49 / All) BEAR_AND: oooh. ouch
(29:56 / Allies) razarz: wow
(29:57 / Allies) razarz: not 1 wall
(30:33 / Allies) razarz: lol
(30:38 / Allies) razarz: feeding green alot
(30:49 / All) CrAZYMaN123: leavers i guess
(30:50 / Allies) SoTriX: where
(30:57 / Allies) razarz: yellow was
(30:59 / Allies) razarz: before he left
(31:02 / Allies) SoTriX: o
(31:07 / All) CrAZYMaN123: k..
(31:09 / All) BEAR_AND: gl hf
(31:20 / All) lucane: lol
(31:47 / All) CrAZYMaN123: there ya go
(31:48 / All) CrAZYMaN123: to u
(32:35 / All) CrAZYMaN123: LOL
(32:35 / All) razarz: wtf --
(32:35 / All) CrAZYMaN123: LOL
(32:36 / All) CrAZYMaN123: LOL
(32:37 / All) CrAZYMaN123: LOL
(32:38 / Allies) BEAR_AND: how did he
(32:53 / All) CrAZYMaN123: his person is mine
(32:53 / All) razarz: i was wondering how you did that
(33:01 / All) CrAZYMaN123: host
(33:03 / All) BEAR_AND: yes?
(33:04 / All) BEAR_AND: it's you
(33:07 / All) CrAZYMaN123: o
(33:12 / All) CrAZYMaN123: i took purps hero
(33:14 / All) CrAZYMaN123: hahahaahahhaah
(33:25 / All) lucane: its his alternating caps name, its too leet for the servers to handle
(33:37 / All) lucane: thinks its 1995 again
(34:00 / All) CrAZYMaN123: lookin at moves
(35:01 / All) BEAR_AND: :)
(35:06 / All) CrAZYMaN123: fuck u
(35:20 / All) lucane: give me a unit if u want something done
(35:27 / All) CrAZYMaN123: k
(35:28 / All) CrAZYMaN123: ..
(35:42 / All) CrAZYMaN123: purps unit to u
(35:47 / All) lucane: s
(36:28 / All) CrAZYMaN123: grey u can handle teal?
(36:43 / All) peace2all: eh.... i can tryyy.....
(37:07 / All) CrAZYMaN123: lol
(37:42 / All) CrAZYMaN123: AHHHHHHH!
(39:14 / All) BEAR_AND: sweet
(39:15 / All) CrAZYMaN123: OMG
(39:16 / All) CrAZYMaN123: LOL
(39:18 / All) BEAR_AND: good work
(39:20 / All) CrAZYMaN123: OMGGGGGGG
(39:23 / All) lucane: lol this is boring
(39:37 / All) CrAZYMaN123: kill red green?
(39:51 / All) CrAZYMaN123: go back of him
(40:10 / All) CrAZYMaN123: ummmm
(41:04 / All) CrAZYMaN123: omg?
(41:05 / All) BEAR_AND: welp
(41:09 / All) BEAR_AND: owned by clan towa?
(41:24 / All) lucane: |i blame titan
(41:31 / All) lucane: stayed in mid all game doing nothing
(42:25 / All) CrAZYMaN123: noobish
(42:26 / Allies) SoTriX: nice
(42:27 / All) BEAR_AND: PWNED
(42:30 / All) CrAZYMaN123: i win
(42:31 / All) CrAZYMaN123: haha
(42:37 / All) CrAZYMaN123: I WIN!
(42:39 / All) BEAR_AND: :)
(42:40 / All) CrAZYMaN123: YAY